I'm with Beat on this one, what happened with Air France makes no sense!

But your ending just sealed some travel packing debates for me as I head to South America in two weeks. Lighter is better.

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"We’re all freer without the excess baggage."

So true...

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Yet another reason why flying is such a pain in the butt. Had Air China cancel my flight one time and never told me. They created a "new" flight ten minutes later that I then had to book with my own money because it was no longer code-shared with United or some such crap like that. Then I transfer planes in Beijing to get on an actual United flight and they inform me that they were sending me to a different destination, giving me a hotel room, and getting me home a day later. Pretty much lost it on the customer service person and they finally found a way to give me a seat on the direct flight I wanted. I think they just wanted me to go away.

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You've convinced me. I'm never traveling any farther than Alaska Airlines goes!

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God forbid you had a CO2 cartridge in there too...that cost me an hour once (on top of the usual bike hour).

I've learned with most European airlines, there is pre-paperwork you can do to cut that 67 minutes down to a reasonable 20. But it takes some digging to find it. 😇

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I have not flown since 2019 and I am unsure if I will fly again (I live in the UK). All the things you mention are why it no longer appeals. I do take the Eurostar to Europe with and without my bike and it is preferable. If you do succomb to travelling with your bike in Europe again wade through www.seat61.com which is a very useful resource including the bike section for travel.

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OMG! I've had a few rough travel days, but seriously, you could write a BOOK about that trip! I can't even begin to imagine how ticked off you must have been. Long slow lines, inept people moving like they work in the DMV (sorry DMV people, I still chuckle when I think about that animated movie where the DMV people were sloths...obviously I'm not the only one who thinks the DMV lines are where you go to die). But the bright side: you had a trip with your mom and sisters and then you got a 10 day bike-trip with friends...I think looking back it will be worth it...those are things that are bucket list trips IMO. And that France is terrible with bikes on airplanes? That must be a SNL skit...it can't be true! Maybe all the teams send their bikes by ship and then specially arranged trucks. Or just maybe the airlines don't give a crap about 'regular peoples bikes', only the pro teams as they'd take a real public beating doing that to an international race team.

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Oh my goodness! How utterly frustrating! I felt exasperated just reading this. I can recall feeling completely at the end of my rope with travel woes much less minor than what you dealt with. Glad you finally made it home. But what a dreadful experience (after being so prepared!).

My recent (straightforward) air travel experience had me feeling a bit uneasy. Nothing went wrong at all but I felt as if everyone working was new and inexperienced. I didn’t have the same confidence I’ve had before. What you encountered- the delays, the baggage issues- would shake me to my core for sure 😭

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You're right. Travel woes are consuming, painful and boring - anyone who has travelled internationally recently can attest to that. Getting wrapped up in the pain and frustrating can deter or completely block the potential pleasure of one's journey. Simplify and travel light and prepare to be challenged - good rules for traveling or simply for waking up to face each day. Good travels!

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Sounds like the travel trip from hell! What a nightmare. I can't believe that France hasn't dealt with bike bags before. That is totally crazy!

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I like the story. It’s not boring or too long at all. Also confirms my worst fears about travelling with a bike. Which is a terrible shame. Hope you’re getting over it now. A problem shared is a problem halved xx

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That is a horrible experience; sorry.

My 2018 2 month business/recreation trip to 7 countries in Asia: No Checked Bag. 2023 trip to 9 countries in Europe including 7 races: No Checked Bag. Rented many bikes, which sometimes are as good as mine. Renting a good SUP however is much harder.

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