Excellent write up though I don’t expose myself to that kind of temperature since moving to California a few decades to go. I’ve done a bit of winter camping and working outdoors in serious windchills in the Arctic, but not recently.

The last part of your article reminds me of a Boy Scout leader, several decades ago, who said “if your feet are cold, put a hat on!” He was making a point to young teenagers that you made: the feet and hands are early indicator of things to come. (I also wonder if you and Beat could make a side hustle out of custom clothing designs.)

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This is awesome, Jill! Great write ups and I love this content! You and Beat have so many serious cold weather adventures under your belts for vetting gear that truly works.

I cracked up at the hobo pants image. Function definitely comes before fashion in the deep cold. You are so right about the knees bring vulnerable. I hit a brutal cold spot in Goldstream Valley riding my bike one night and tore thru my framebag and found two trusty fleece neck warmers and fashioned them around my knees/thighs for the ride home. I needed a pair of Beat’s knee warmers! And yes, fleece Acorn socks for the win!! :D

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Very clear and useful. Thank you 👌🏽👍🏽

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Thanks for these insights in past couple of posts, informative.

I have the problem that sometimes my fingers are cold but my wrists are in sauna....

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