I'm glad Beat is thinking in terms of people's mindset as a qualifier for places live. I made the mistake back In the 90's of moving to a place for scenery and outdoor access not quite realizing that I probably wasn't going to fit in all that well (I had a hunch, but ignored my gut. Will never do that again.) A friend's husband had a saying, "It's not the place, it's the people" and he was right. You can live in a beautiful place but if people are not friendly to you, it will never feel like home.

I got a bruise on my hind from a fall just like yours (feet flying up in the air). It actually got uglier over a couple weeks as it was a deep bruise. Very memorable even over 20 years later.

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I’m sorry but, international travel sucks.

That said, what is the obsession with American politics ?

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